Prospective Buyers

We are delighted in your interest in our neighborhood.  The historic and open nature of our community makes it an attractive place to create a home for your family.  Access to Gilbert Lake, walkable tree-lined unpaved roads, and generous front setbacks create an open and natural environment.  There are not many communities in the Metro Area that offer the same feel as Lone Pine Road Estates.
Ownership has many benefits:
1. Large lots
2. Generous setbacks from neighboring lots
3. Less cut-through traffic with the unpaved roads
4. Gilbert Lake access with our beach lot on a serene non-motorized lake
5. Outdoor storage of canoes, kayaks, sailboats for the lake
6. Charcoal grill, picnic tables, and volleyball net available at the beach lot
7. Social events for the neighborhood
8. Centrally located and easily accessible to main traffic thoroughfares
The cost of the upkeep of the beach lot is paid for by members.  Because of the cost and care associated with the beach lot, it is a private lot with a locked fenced in area.  A key is provided to all owners.
Prior to making a property purchase, make yourself aware of our deed restrictions, rules, and construction process for the neighborhood.  We have included the documentation so you can conduct your diligence prior to purchase.  If you have further questions, contact the Association using the contact form and directing it to the Plan Approval Committee.
LPREIA Deed Restrictions and Process for Plan Approvals
Also, our neighborhood is in Bloomfield Township and all laws, ordinances, and rules need to be reviewed and understood before commencing any work.  The Township office can be a valuable resource for you as you plan your projects.  Follow the links below for more information.
Township Website
Building Department
Zoning Ordinance
Zoning Board of Appeals
For new owners, realtors, title companies, or others that would like to transmit owner changes to our Association, please submit this form to our Association email: Transfer Form